Convert infix expressions to postfix notation

Shell utils -- 60 chars

bc -c|sed -re's/[@iK:Wr]+/ /g;s/[^0-9]/ &/g;s/ +/ /g;s/^ //'

Fixed the various problems, but it got a lot longer :(

C, 250 245 236 193 185 chars

char*p,b[99];f(char*s){int t=0;for(;*p-32?
*p>47?printf("%d ",strtol(p,&p,10)):*p==40?f(p++),++p:
t&&s[t]%5==2|*p%5-2?printf("%c ",s[t--]):*p>41?s[++t]=*p++:0:++p;);}

Here's a readable version of the ungolfed source, that still reflects the basic logic. It's actually a rather straightforward program. The only real work it has to do is to push a low-associativity operator onto a stack when a high-associativity operator is encountered, and then pop it back off at the "end" of that subexpression.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static char buf[256], stack[256];
static char *p = buf;

static char *fix(char *ops)
    int sp = 0;

    for ( ; *p && *p != '\n' && *p != ')' ; ++p) {
        if (*p == ' ') {
        } else if (*p >= '0') {
            printf("%ld ", strtol(p, &p, 10));
        } else if (*p == '(') {
            fix(ops + sp);
        } else {
            while (sp) {
                if ((ops[sp] == '+' || ops[sp] == '-') &&
                        (*p == '*' || *p == '/')) {
                } else {
                    printf("%c ", ops[sp--]);
            ops[++sp] = *p;
    while (sp)
        printf("%c ", ops[sp--]);
    return p;

int main(void)
    fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin);
    return 0;

Bash w/ Haskell w/ C preprocessor sed, 180 195 198 275

echo 'CNumO+O-O*fromInteger=show
main=putStr$'$*|sed 's/C\([^O]*\)/instance \1 String where /g
s/O\(.\?\)/a\1b=unwords\[a,b,\"\1\"];/g'|runghc -XFlexibleInstances 2>w

At last, it's not longer than the C solution anymore. The crucial Haskell part is almost as lazy as the bc solution...

Takes input as command-line parameters. A file w with some ghc warning messages will be created, if you don't like this change to runghc 2>/dev/null.



Code Golf