Convert complex JavaScript object to dot notation object

You can recursively add the properties to a new object, and then convert to JSON:

var res = {};
(function recurse(obj, current) {
  for(var key in obj) {
    var value = obj[key];
    var newKey = (current ? current + "." + key : key);  // joined key with dot
    if(value && typeof value === "object") {
      recurse(value, newKey);  // it's a nested object, so do it again
    } else {
      res[newKey] = value;  // it's not an object, so set the property
var result = JSON.stringify(res);  // convert result to JSON

Here is a fix/hack for when you get undefined for the first prefix. (I did)

var dotize = dotize || {};

dotize.parse = function(jsonobj, prefix) {
  var newobj = {};
  function recurse(o, p) {
    for (var f in o)
      var pre = (p === undefined ? '' : p + ".");
      if (o[f] && typeof o[f] === "object"){
        newobj = recurse(o[f], pre + f);
      } else {
        newobj[pre + f] = o[f];
    return newobj;
  return recurse(jsonobj, prefix);

You can use the NPM dot-object (Github) for transform to object to dot notation and vice-versa.

var dot = require('dot-object'); 
var obj = {
  id: 'my-id',
  nes: { ted: { value: true } },
  other: { nested: { stuff: 5 } },
  some: { array: ['A', 'B'] }

var tgt =;


  "id": "my-id",
  "nes.ted.value": true,
  "other.nested.stuff": 5,
  "some.array[0]": "A",
  "some.array[1]": "B"