Convert a signed decimal to hex encoded with two's complement

To create two's-compliment numbers of fixed size I've created factory method:

 function createToInt(size) {
    if (size < 2) {
        throw new Error('Minimum size is 2');
    else if (size > 64) {
        throw new Error('Maximum size is 64');

    // Determine value range
    const maxValue = (1 << (size - 1)) - 1;
    const minValue = -maxValue - 1;

    return (value) => {
        if (value > maxValue || value < minValue) {
            throw new Error(`Int${size} overflow`);

        if (value < 0) {
            return (1 << size) + value;
        else {
            return value;

Now, to solve your question you can create functions toInt8, toInt16, toInt32, etc. And use it to convert JS numbers to two's compliment. Example with int8:

const toInt8 = createToInt(8);

'0x' + toInt8(-128).toString(16); // -> 0x80
'0x' + toInt8(127).toString(16); // -> 0x7f
'0x' + toInt8(-1).toString(16); // -> 0xff

// Values less then 16 should be padded
'0x' + toInt8(10).toString(16).padStart(2, '0); // -> 0x0a