Convert a number to Human readable format (e.g. 1.5k, 5m, 1b) in Dart?

You can use the NumberFormat class of flutter which has some in built functions for results you want..

Check out this link for NumberFormat class of flutter

Example: This is one way if you want to use currency..

var _formattedNumber = NumberFormat.compactCurrency(
  decimalDigits: 2,
  symbol: '', // if you want to add currency symbol then pass that in this else leave it empty.

print('Formatted Number is: $_formattedNumber');

Example: This example is with locale.

var _formattedNumber = NumberFormat.compactCurrency(
  decimalDigits: 2,
  locale: 'en_IN'
  symbol: '',

print('Formatted Number is: $_formattedNumber');

The output of this is code would be:

If 1000 is entered then 1K is the output

Another way is by just using NumberFormat.compact() which gives the desired output...

// In this you won't have to worry about the symbol of the currency.
var _formattedNumber = NumberFormat.compact().format(numberToFormat);
print('Formatted Number is: $_formattedNumber');

The output of above example will also be:

If 1000 is entered then 1K is the output

I tried this and is working...


