Convert a docker run command into a docker-compose

This tool will help you convert docker run command to a docker-compose most of the feature

enter image description here

Converting a docker run command into a compose file

Composerize will help you convert run command to a compose partially.

To understand it better I have described the components of the docker-compose.yml here.

image - image used to run the container

name - name of the service or container

command - command you want to run after the container is up

volumes - volume(s) you want to mount

Converting the run command from above to docker-compose:

version: "2/3/3.3/3.6" # based on the docker-compose version you use
   stress: # Service name, user defined
      image: progrium/stress 
      command: '--cpu 2 --io 1 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 10s'

First two lines are common for any docker-compose file.

In docker-compose, the command allows the image to accept additional commands or options.


version: "2"
      image: progrium/stress
      command: '--cpu 2 --io 1 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --timeout 10s'

Compose the file with docker-compose as:

docker-compose up -d
  • Multiple commands to the compose file:

    command: bash -c "cd app/ && npm start"

  • Multi-line command to compose file:

    command: >
      bash -c "cd app/ 
      && npm start"

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Just use this nifty little tool as a helper:

Or follow the manual steps highlighted in the previous answers...