Control popover location anchor for SelectField

I actually faced the same issue.

I don't think it's possible, at least it's not part of configurable properties. I looked at SelectField source, and apparently, even though SelectField is using DropDownMenu underneath, and DropDown is using PopOver underneath, but the configuration of anchorOrigin is hardcoded.

const anchorOrigin = {
  vertical: 'top',
  horizontal: 'left',

It is possible indeed:

<SelectField dropDownMenuProps={{anchorOrigin:{vertical:"center",horizontal:"left"}}}>
    <MenuItem value={1} primaryText="one" />
    <MenuItem value={2} primaryText="two" />
    <MenuItem value={3} primaryText="three" />

If you need to exactly set up the positioning of your "popover" (which is actually a "dropdown menu"), I reckon you can try by overriding one of the different (style?) props of that menu: ("Properties" part)

An other way would be to use a popover instead...

Also, the new v1.0 beta just had its select component released ; it might give you a better control:


Material Ui