Construct a polyhedron from the coordinates of its vertices and calculate the area of each face

[Update: combinepolys now works when face meshes have interior vertices.]

Start by getting the bounding polygons:

reg = DelaunayMesh[q]

bdypolys = Cases[Normal@Show[
    ], _Polygon, Infinity]

We group coplanar polygons into faces (Tolerance may need adjustment in other cases):

coplanarQ[pts_?MatrixQ] := 
  MatrixRank[Transpose@pts - pts[[1]], Tolerance -> 10^(-4)] == 2;

faces = RegionUnion @@@ 
    coplanarQ[Flatten[{##} /. Polygon -> Identity, 1]] &];

We can get the areas:

Area /@ faces
  {243.75, 174.693, 117.372, 117.372, 117.372, 117.372, 243.75, 
  117.372, 174.693, 174.693, 117.372, 174.693, 117.372, 117.372}

The function combinepolys probably has horrible time complexity. On this small example, it's no problem. The trouble is that a common edge might be at the end points of the list of vertices of a polygon or consecutive entries. To combine two adjacent polygons, we need to match each of the four possible combinations.

combinepolys = # //. {
       {p___, a_Integer, b_Integer, q___}, y___,
       {s___, b_, a_, r___}, z___} :> {x, {p, a, r, s, b, q}, y, z},
       {p___, a_Integer, b_Integer, q___}, y___,
       {a_, r___, b_}, z___} :> {x, {p, a, r, b, q}, y, z},
       {b_Integer, p___, a_Integer}, y___,
       {s___, b_, a_, r___}, z___} :> {x, {b, p, a, r, s}, y, z},
       {b_Integer, p___, a_Integer}, y___,
       {a_, r___, b_}, z___} :> {x, {b, p, a, r}, y, z},
     (* update: cut out singular edges *)
     {x___, a_Integer, b_Integer, a_, y___} :> {x, a, y},
     {b_Integer, a_Integer, x___, a_} :> {a, x},
     {a_Integer, x___, a_, b_Integer} :> {a, x}
    } &;

Show /@ faces // combinepolys (* shows each individual face *)

Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[{Thick, Black}],
     {RandomColor[], Cases[Normal@#, _Polygon, Infinity]}
     }] & /@ combinepolys[Show /@ faces];

enter image description here

We can use the function Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals to get face normals and group triangles by face normals:

combineCoplanarFaces[t_: 10^-3][bmr_ ] :=  Module[{faces = MeshPrimitives[bmr, 2],
    normals = Round[Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals[bmr, 2], t]}, 
 Values @ GroupBy[Transpose[{normals, faces}], First -> Last, 
    Polygon@#[[Last @ FindShortestTour @ #]] & @ MeshCoordinates[RegionUnion@##] &]]


bdm = BoundaryDiscretizeRegion@DelaunayMesh[q];

Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[Thick], Hue @ RandomReal[], #} & /@ combineCoplanarFaces[][bdm], 
 Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

Update: Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals is undocumented.

What we know about it is limited to what Information @ Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals returns; that is, it takes an option Method:

Information @ Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals

enter image description here

Through trial/error, we find that it takes two arguments; the first argument is aMeshRegion or a BoundaryMeshRegion object and the second argument is (1) an integer indicating mesh cell dimension (0 for Points, 1 for Lines and 2 for faces) or (2) a pair of integers {dim, index} indicating mesh cell index or (3) a list of integer pairs {{dim1, index1}...}.

So for mesh cells with indices {0, 5}, {1, 4}and {2, 15} we get

Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals[bdm, {{0, 5}, {1, 4}, {2, 15}}]
{{-3.71093, 2.60535, -1.63299},
 {0.486229, 0.464079, -0.740413}, 
 {0.40825, 0.816495, 0.408249}}
indices = {{0, 5}, {1, 4}, {2, 15}}; 

 Graphics3D[{AbsoluteThickness[5], AbsolutePointSize[15], #} & /@ 
   MapThread[{Darker@#3, FaceForm[Lighter@#3], #, 
      Line[{If[Head[#] === Point, #[[1]], Mean@#[[1]]], 
        If[Head[#] === Point, #[[1]], Mean@#[[1]]] + 3 Normalize @ #2}]} &, 
    {MeshPrimitives[bdm, indices], 
     Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals[bdm, indices], 
    {Red, Green, Blue}}]],
  ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

   Graphics3D[{AbsoluteThickness[5], AbsolutePointSize[15], 
       Darker[rc = RandomColor[]], FaceForm[Lighter@rc], #} & /@ 
     MapThread[{#, Line[{If[i == 0, #[[1]], Mean@#[[1]]], 
          If[i == 0, #[[1]], Mean@#[[1]]] + 3 Normalize @ #2}]} &, 
       {MeshPrimitives[bdm, i], Region`Mesh`MeshCellNormals[bdm, i]}]], 
   ImageSize -> Medium], 
  {i, 0, 2}]]

enter image description here

We use FindShortestTour to order the coordinates for each group of co-planar polygons:

ClearAll[coPQ, triangleCombine]

coPQ[x_, y_, t_: 10^-4] := Max[RegionDistance[InfinitePlane[x[[1]]], #] & /@ y[[1]]] <= t

triangleCombine[t_: 10^-4] := Module[{mc = MeshCoordinates[RegionUnion@##] & @@@ 
   Gather[MeshPrimitives[#, 2], coPQ[##, t] &]}, 
 Polygon @ #[[FindShortestTour[#][[2]]]] & /@ mc] &;


bdm = BoundaryDiscretizeRegion@DelaunayMesh@q;

gathered = Gather[MeshPrimitives[bdm, 2], coPQ];

Tally[Length /@ gathered]
 {{4, 2}, {3, 12}}
Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[AbsoluteThickness[3]], RandomColor[], #}& /@ triangleCombine[][bdm],
  ImageSize -> Large, Boxed -> False]

enter image description here

Note: We could have also defined coPQ using MichaelE2's coplanarQ as

coPQ = coplanarQ[Join[#[[1]], #2[[1]]]]&