Connecting to Redis running in Docker Container from Host machine

This is simpler way to set up a Redis container.

Download image and run container

docker run -d --name some-redis -p 6379:6379 redis

If you don't have the image, this command will pull it. And then, if you need to access from redis-cli to console, can use:

docker exec -it some-redis bash

For enter to container console, and kind in the console:

root@72c388dc2cb8:/data# redis-cli


This was enough for my use case (easy and fast local development).

The problem is with your bind, You should set the following:


This will set redis to bind to all interfaces available, in a containerized environment with one interface, (eth0) and a loopback (lo) redis will bind to both of the above. You should consider adding security measures via other directives in config file or using external tools like firewalls. because with this approach everyone can connect to your redis server.

The default setting is bind and this setting will cause redis to only listen on loopback interface, and it will be only accessible from inside the container. (for security)

To run redis with custom configuration file:

sudo docker run -d --name redis-test -p 6379:6379  -v /path/to/redisconf/redis.conf:/redis.conf redis redis-server /redis.conf

Now to verify on docker host with redis-tools installed:

redis-cli                  >> set farhad likes:stackoverflow
OK> get farhad

You can also connnect to your redis container from an external host via:

redis-cli -h 'IP-address-of-dockerhost-running-redis-container'

It might be easier now with version 4.0.9 (Docker Toolbox on Win10). Simply connect with a redis client, then:

set bind

The new setting sticks after stop/start.

Here are some instructions to make this work properly.

Install Official Docker not Distro repo.

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
systemctl enable docker ; systemctl start docker; systemctl status docker

Refer to Install using the convenience script

Connect to Redis container from host

mkdir -p /etc/redis/
chown -R 1000:1000 /etc/redis
sudo docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 --restart unless-stopped -v /etc/redis/:/data redis redis-server /data

NOTE: The important part that is key to your solution is to have port expose (-p 6379:6379) to your docker host and route to container port. Refer to Redis Docker Documentation

Install "redis-tools" in your docker host. Centos install redis via epel release.


