Connecting to bitbucket repository from jenkins server

You can try with user-password authentication credential, this is the alternative way that this plugin gives us.

  1. Click 'Add' button.

enter image description here

  1. Select "User with password" in Kind input.
  2. Add bitbucket account credential.

enter image description here

  1. Enter bitbucket repo url using 'https' protocol.

enter image description here

Finally, the absence of errors (like red messages under repo url input) means that the process had success.

In addition to @geoom answer, 2FA users can use "app passwords" for the credentials

App passwords are substitute passwords for a user account which you can use for scripts and integrating tools to avoid putting your real password into configuration files.

App passwords are designed to be used for a single purpose with limited permissions, so they don't require two-step verification (2SV). This means app passwords can be used by users with 2SV make API calls to their Bitbucket account, and to integrate Bitbucket with other tools like Sourcetree and Bamboo.