Configuring Visual Studio Code for remote Python interpreter via SSH

The post Define remote interpreter on remote Linux machine using Pydev and RSE Server was really useful, it seems so obvious now. This is my workaround using my own system configuration:

Step 1: Mount your remote home folder.

$ sshfs -o password_stdin,transform_symlinks vagrant@localhost:/home/vagrant ~/Vagrant/archi02/Remote/ -p 2222 <<< "your_vagrant_password"

Step 2: Open your project folder with VSC.


Step 3: Configure "settings.json" (from WorkSpace Settings) for your remote Python and linter.

    "python.pythonPath": "~/Vagrant/archi02/Remote/Projects/Python_3_7_2/QuickPythonBook/ve_qpb/bin/python3.7",
    "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
    "python.linting.pylintPath": "pylint"

Step 4: Enjoy programming. You are welcome.