Configuring bottom bar in QLPreviewController

Short Answer: NO, Not in IOS6+


One thing to note about QLPreviewController is that it's not meant to be customized. There were other libraries allowing you to change the functionality such as:

Which are not working in iOS 6+ since apple made a big change in QLPreviewController and it's technically running in a separate process. Although it might be possible (not sure) using private apis but your app will be rejected then.

You can find more info about this change here:

Hope this helps

  1. Subclass UIToolbar
  2. Create UINavigationController using init(navigationBarClass:toolbarClass:) and supply UIToolbar subsclass created in step 1 for toolbarClass
  3. Create QLPreviewController instance and push onto UINavigationController stack
  4. Inside of UIToolbar subsclass override setItems(_:animated:). To remove all buttons call super with empty array super.setItems([], animated: false) or potentially you can add only buttons you want to keep.
  5. Present UINavigationController created in step 2

Here is the example PreviewControllerHideBottomButtons