Configure kile and biblatex

  • Go to Settings->Configure Kile
  • Choose on the left Build
  • Choose New and insert the name biber
  • Now click on this new item and insert on the right into the field for the command /usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/x86_64-linux/biber (this example shows my path)
  • Into the parameter field insert "%S"
  • Now enable the Quick Build item on the left and add biber in the field on the right.

Close the windows and everything should work. At the first time when running biber it takes a lot of time because it has to unpack all included files into a temporary directory. In your document do not forget to set


With the latest version of biblatex it should be the default.

EDIT: It seems like my method calls biber every time it compiles after all, so scratch this. I was pretty certain I checked that it worked like I wanted, but it seems like I was wrong. I'll leave my answer below anyway.

Since this is the top result in Google for "kile biber" and "kile biblatex", and the question doesn't have a perfect solution (@Herbert's answer seems to run biber every time I compile, which is unnecessary), I'll try and explain my solution to this problem. I'm not completely certain I understand how my solution works, but at least it seems to do what I want, which is:

  • Automatically run biber and rerun pdflatex when needed (when I change my bibliography or citations) when I run the tool PDFLaTeX in Kile

To make Kile work as wanted this is what I did:

First we make a new configuration for the BibTeX tool:

  • Go to Settings -> Configure Kile... -> Tools -> Build
  • Select BibTeX in the window under Select a tool
  • On the right side under Choose a configuration for the tool BibTeX, press the New button
  • Enter the name Biber
  • In the General tab:
    • in the Commmand field enter biber, in the Options field enter "%S"
  • In the Advanced tab
    • Set everything equal to the Default configuration, except the Source extension, which should be bcf
  • Set everything equal to the Default configuration in the Menu tab

Now just make sure that this new configuration is selected in the drop down box Choose a configuration for the tool BibTeX, and that the box Automatically run additional tools is ticked off in the configuration you use for the PDFLaTeX tool. Now the tool PDFLaTeX can be run by itself, or used in another tool like QuickBuild, and it will automatically run biber and rerun pdflatex when needed.

I'm on Linux Mint 15 (olivia) (basically Ubuntu 13.04), using Kile version 2.1.3, pdflatex version 3.1415926-2.4-1.40.13 (TeX Live 2012/Debian), and biber version 0.9.9. I think those are the versions from the default repositories, but I'm not certain.

Go to Settings, Configure Kile. In the left panel, select Tools and Build. Press the "New..." button. Follow the next image instructions:

Biber and build settings

Now, from "Select a tool" listbox, select QuickBuild. Perform the necessary changes to have the same that the illustration:

Quickbuild settings

Press OK and compile your file/project :)

Reference: Florian Schöngaßner webpage.


