Configure.Await(false) with fire and forget async calls

ConfigureAwait(false) would not do anything here, because there is no await to configure.

It's "configure await", not "configure task".

It is self-explanatory if you look at the signature of the method itself:

public ConfiguredTaskAwaitable ConfigureAwait (bool continueOnCapturedContext);

the argument is continueOnCapturedContext, it is a continuation but you said you are doing your job in fire and forget manner, you are not doing await. Conclusion, there is no effect since you do not have any continuation.

Short answer: NO,

There’s one common kind of application that doesn’t have a SynchronizationContext: console apps. When your console application’s Main method is invoked, SynchronizationContext.Current will return null. That means that if you invoke an asynchronous method in your console app, unless you do something special, your asynchronous methods will not have thread affinity: the continuations within those asynchronous methods could end up running “anywhere.”

Source : "Await, SynchronizationContext, and Console Apps"