configuration.GetValue list returns null

It might be useful for you.

GetValue<type>("key") does not work for complex types.

Let's say you have the following appsettings.json structure:

    "ArrayOfObjectsWithinObjects": [
            "foo0": "bar",
            "foo1": 1,
            "foo2": false,
            "anotherObject": {
                "foo3.1": "3.1",
                "foo3.2": "3.2"
            "foo0": "bar",
            "foo1": 1,
            "foo2": false,
            "anotherObject": {
                "foo3.1": "3.1",
                "foo3.2": "3.2"



and C# the appropriate classes

public class Foo
        public string foo0 { get; set;}
        public int foo1 { get; set;}
        public bool foo2 { get; set;}
        public AnotherObject anotherObject { get; set;}

 public class AnotherObject
        public string foo3.1 { get; set; }
        public string foo3.2 { get; set; }

You should be able to:

//using static System.Console;
//using System.Linq;
//using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;

   var _listOfFoos =  _config.GetSection("ArrayOfObjects")
                        .Select( x => new Foo


Note that foo3.1 is an invalid c# syntax and was used for didactic purposes.

I have spotted the following issue on GitHub: GetValue<T> not working with lists

Long story short: It is by design.

So you can try this:

var result = new List<ConnectionSettings>();
var rr = configuration.GetSection("Connections").Bind(result);

According to the documentation for GetValue<>, it gets the value of a (single) key and converts it to the specified type. Unfortunately, it doesn't throw an error if the value can't be converted, which is the situation you're running into.

I believe that Get<> would be preferable in your situation.

var rr = configuration.GetSection("Connections").Get<IList<ConnectionSettings>>();

According to Get<>'s documentation, it:

Attempts to bind the configuration instance to a new instance of type T. If this configuration section has a value, that will be used. Otherwise binding by matching property names against configuration keys recursively.

This allows you to get the value directly or, if it can't find the property, it looks for nested objects that contain a matching property.

An alternative would be as @AthanasiosKataras says; use Bind<>. This is helpful when you might have a sparse configuration in which you want to overlay some values with either default or calculated values.

Configuration.Get<T> is a better option when you have nested configuration using non-primitive structure like list or array.

  "Email": {
    "ToEmails": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"

List<string> emailTo = _config.GetSection("Email:ToEmails").Get<List<string>>()

foreach (string email in emailTo)
    sendGridMessage.AddTo(new EmailAddress(email));

OR use Bind()

public static class ConfigurationRootExtentions
    public static List<T> GetListValue<T>(this IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot, string section)
        var result = new List<T>();
        return result;





.Net Core