Configuration.GetSection in Asp.Net Core 2.0 getting all settings

according to this post

  1. the GetSection("Name").Value will return null, you must use GetChildren to get the child items
  2. Bind will populate the properties aginst the provided object, by default it maps against public properties, look at the update to support private properties.
  3. try Get<T>() over bind, it will provide you a strongly typed instance of the configuration object

try a simple POCO of your class (no complex getter/setters, all public, no methods) and then take it from there

From .net core 2.1 BindNonPublicProperties added to BinderOptions, so if set to true (default is false) the binder will attempt to set all non read-only properties.

var yourPoco = new PocoClass();
Configuration.GetSection("SectionName").Bind(yourPoco, c => c.BindNonPublicProperties = true)

I understand the answer has been accepted. However, providing proper example code, just in case anyone looking to understand a bit more...

It is quite straight forward to bind custom strong type configuration. ie. configuration json looks like below

  "AppSettings": {
    "v": true,
    "SmsSettings": {
      "FromPhone": "9145670987",
      "StartMessagePart": "Dear user, You have requested info from us on starting",
      "EndMessagePart": "Thank you."
    "Auth2Keys": {
      "Google": {
        "ClientId": "",
        "ClientSecret": ""
      "Microsoft": {
        "ClientId": "",
        "ClientSecret": ""
      "JWT": {
        "SecretKey": "",
        "Issuer": ""

and your C# classes looks like

public class SmsSettings{
    public string FromPhone { get; set;}
    public string StartMessagePart { get; set;}
    public string EndMessagePart { get; set;}

public class ClientSecretKeys
    public string ClientId { get; set; }
    public string ClientSecret { get; set; }

public class JWTKeys
    public string SecretKey { get; set; }
    public string Issuer { get; set; }

public class Auth2Keys
    public ClientSecretKeys Google { get; set; }
    public ClientSecretKeys Microsoft { get; set; }
    public JWTKeys JWT { get; set; }

You can get the section by GetSection("sectionNameWithPath") and then Convert to strong type by calling Get<T>();

var smsSettings = Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings:SmsSettings").Get<SmsSettings>();
var auth2Keys= Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings:Auth2Keys").Get<Auth2Keys>();

For simple string values

var isDebugMode = Configuration.GetValue("AppSettings:IsDebugMode");

Hope this helps...