Conditional NA filling by group

Here's a pure tidyverse solution :

mydf %>%
  mutate(up = associatedid, down = associatedid) %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  fill(up,.direction = "up") %>%
  fill(down) %>%
  mutate_at("associatedid", ~if_else( & up == down, up, .)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(-up, - down)
#> # A tibble: 18 x 3
#>       id  year associatedid
#>    <int> <int> <fct>       
#>  1     1  2000 <NA>        
#>  2     1  2001 ABC123      
#>  3     1  2002 ABC123      
#>  4     1  2003 ABC123      
#>  5     1  2004 ABC123      
#>  6     1  2005 ABC123      
#>  7     2  2000 <NA>        
#>  8     2  2001 ABC123      
#>  9     2  2002 ABC123      
#> 10     2  2003 <NA>        
#> 11     2  2004 DEF456      
#> 12     2  2005 DEF456      
#> 13     3  2000 <NA>        
#> 14     3  2001 ABC123      
#> 15     3  2002 ABC123      
#> 16     3  2003 ABC123      
#> 17     3  2004 ABC123      
#> 18     3  2005 ABC123

Or using zoo::na.locf :

mydf %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate_at("associatedid", ~if_else( & na.locf(.,F) == na.locf(.,F,fromLast = TRUE), na.locf(.,F), .)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 18 x 3
#>       id  year associatedid
#>    <int> <int> <fct>       
#>  1     1  2000 <NA>        
#>  2     1  2001 ABC123      
#>  3     1  2002 ABC123      
#>  4     1  2003 ABC123      
#>  5     1  2004 ABC123      
#>  6     1  2005 ABC123      
#>  7     2  2000 <NA>        
#>  8     2  2001 ABC123      
#>  9     2  2002 ABC123      
#> 10     2  2003 <NA>        
#> 11     2  2004 DEF456      
#> 12     2  2005 DEF456      
#> 13     3  2000 <NA>        
#> 14     3  2001 ABC123      
#> 15     3  2002 ABC123      
#> 16     3  2003 ABC123      
#> 17     3  2004 ABC123      
#> 18     3  2005 ABC123

The same idea but using data.table :

mydf[,associatedid := fifelse( & na.locf(associatedid,F) == na.locf(associatedid,F,fromLast = TRUE), 
  na.locf(associatedid,F), associatedid),
  by = id]
#>     id year associatedid
#>  1:  1 2000         <NA>
#>  2:  1 2001       ABC123
#>  3:  1 2002       ABC123
#>  4:  1 2003       ABC123
#>  5:  1 2004       ABC123
#>  6:  1 2005       ABC123
#>  7:  2 2000         <NA>
#>  8:  2 2001       ABC123
#>  9:  2 2002       ABC123
#> 10:  2 2003         <NA>
#> 11:  2 2004       DEF456
#> 12:  2 2005       DEF456
#> 13:  3 2000         <NA>
#> 14:  3 2001       ABC123
#> 15:  3 2002       ABC123
#> 16:  3 2003       ABC123
#> 17:  3 2004       ABC123
#> 18:  3 2005       ABC123

And finally a fun idea using base, noting that you want to interpolate only if constant interpolation and linear interpolation are the same, if this character variable was numeric :

i <- ave( as.numeric(factor(mydf$associatedid)), mydf$id,FUN = function(x) ifelse(
  approx(x,xout = seq_along(x))$y == (z<- approx(x,xout = seq_along(x),method = "constant")$y),
  z, x))
mydf$associatedid <- levels(mydf$associatedid)[i]
#>    id year associatedid
#> 1   1 2000         <NA>
#> 2   1 2001       ABC123
#> 3   1 2002       ABC123
#> 4   1 2003       ABC123
#> 5   1 2004       ABC123
#> 6   1 2005       ABC123
#> 7   2 2000         <NA>
#> 8   2 2001       ABC123
#> 9   2 2002       ABC123
#> 10  2 2003         <NA>
#> 11  2 2004       DEF456
#> 12  2 2005       DEF456
#> 13  3 2000         <NA>
#> 14  3 2001       ABC123
#> 15  3 2002       ABC123
#> 16  3 2003       ABC123
#> 17  3 2004       ABC123
#> 18  3 2005       ABC123

If na.locf0 applied forward and backwards are the same then use na.locf0; otherwise, if they are not equal or if either is NA then use NA.


dt[, associatedid := 
    ifelse(na.locf0(associatedid) == na.locf0(associatedid, fromLast=TRUE), 
      na.locf0(associatedid), NA), by = id]


> dt
    id year associatedid
 1:  1 2000         <NA>
 2:  1 2001       ABC123
 3:  1 2002       ABC123
 4:  1 2003       ABC123
 5:  1 2004       ABC123
 6:  1 2005       ABC123
 7:  2 2000         <NA>
 8:  2 2001       ABC123
 9:  2 2002       ABC123
10:  2 2003         <NA>
11:  2 2004       DEF456
12:  2 2005       DEF456
13:  3 2000         <NA>
14:  3 2001       ABC123
15:  3 2002       ABC123
16:  3 2003       ABC123
17:  3 2004       ABC123
18:  3 2005       ABC123

This is all about writing a modified na.locf function. After that you can plug it into data.table like any other function.

new.locf <- function(x){
  # might want to think about the end of this loop
  # this works here but you might need to add another case
  # if there are NA's as the last value.
  # anyway, loop through observations in a vector, x.
  for(i in 2:(length(x)-1)){
    nextval = i
    # find the next, non-NA value
    # again, not tested but might break if there isn't one?
    while(nextval <= length(x)-1 &[nextval])){
      nextval = nextval + 1
    # if the current value is not NA, great!
      x[i] <- x[i]
      # if the current value is NA, and the last value is a value
      # (should given the nature of this loop), and
      # the next value, as calculated above, is the same as the last
      # value, then give us that value. 
      if([i]) & ![i-1]) & x[i-1] == x[nextval]){
        x[i] <- x[nextval]
        # finally, return NA if neither of these conditions hold
        x[i] <- NA
  # return the new vector

Once we have that function, we can use data.table as usual:

dt2 <- dt[,list(year = year,
                # when I read your data in, associatedid read as factor
                associatedid = new.locf(as.character(associatedid))
          by = "id"

This returns:

> dt2
    id year associatedid
 1:  1 2000           NA
 2:  1 2001       ABC123
 3:  1 2002       ABC123
 4:  1 2003       ABC123
 5:  1 2004       ABC123
 6:  1 2005       ABC123
 7:  2 2000           NA
 8:  2 2001       ABC123
 9:  2 2002       ABC123
10:  2 2003           NA
11:  2 2004       DEF456
12:  2 2005       DEF456
13:  3 2000           NA
14:  3 2001       ABC123
15:  3 2002       ABC123
16:  3 2003       ABC123
17:  3 2004       ABC123
18:  3 2005       ABC123

which is what you are looking for as best I understand it.

I provided some hedging in the new.locf definition so you still might have a little thinking to do but this should get you started.