Concatenate char arrays in C++

Best thing is use std::string in C++ as other answers. If you really need to work with char try this way. didn't tested.

const char* foo = "hello";
const char* test= "how are";

char* full_text;
full_text= malloc(strlen(foo)+strlen(test)+1); 
strcpy(full_text, foo ); 
strcat(full_text, test);

If you dont want to use string you can do it simply by taking an other array and storing both arrays in it with loop

using namespace std;
int main(){
    char fname[30],lname[30],full_name[60];
    int i,j;
    i=0;j=0; // i is index of fname and j is index for lname
    cout<<"Enter your first name: ";
    cout<<"Enter your last name: ";
    for (i;fname[i]!='\0';i++){
        full_name[i] = fname[i];
    cout<<"i ="<<i;
    full_name[i]=' ';
    i = i + 1;
    for (i,j;lname[j]!='\0';i++,j++){
        full_name[i] = lname[j];
    cout<<"Your full name is: "<<full_name<<endl;
    return 0;

Yes, in C++ use the + operator for string concatenation. But this will not work:

char[] + char[] + char[]

convert one array to std::string and it will:

std::string(char[]) + char[] + char[]


#include <iostream>

int main()
    const char a[] = "how ";
    const char b[] = "are ";
    const char c[] = "you ";

    std::cout << std::string( a + b + c ) << "\n"; // Error
    std::cout << std::string(a) + b + c  << "\n"; // Fine

In C++, use std::string, and the operator+, it is designed specifically to solve problems like this.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
    string foo( "hello" );
    string test( "how are" );
    cout << foo + " , " + test;
    return 0;