Compute the Fibonomial Coefficient

Python 67 bytes

f=lambda n,a=1,b=1:n<1or a*f(n-1,b,a+b)
lambda n,k:f(n)/f(k)/f(n-k)

Call using a(n,k). Uses @Dennis fibonorial answer (is that allowed?), and a straightforward implementation of the question otherwise.

Haskell, 46 bytes


Outputs floats. Generates the infinite Fibonacci list. Then, does the binomial recusion, multiplying and dividing by elements from the Fibonacci list.

Haskell, 77 57 55 52 50 bytes

The first line is originally coming from the Fibonacci function or sequence challenge and was written by @Anon.

The second line was added in the Fibonacci-orial challenge by @ChristianSievers.

Now I added the third line. How much further will those challenges go?=)

n#k=g n/g(n-k)/g k

Thanks for 5 bytes @xnor!