Compile error: Next without For || VBA

Every For statement with a body must have a matching Next, and every If-Then statement with a body must have a matching End If.


For i = 1 To 10 '<---- This is the header

    Hello(i) = "Blah"  '<---- This is the body

Next i  '<---- This is the closing statement

You have part of the body of your If statement inside your For i loop, and part of it outside. It has to be either ALL inside or ALL outside. Think through the logic and see what it is you want to do.

you have overlapping loops-perhaps

Sub CGT_Cost()
   startrow = Worksheets("GUTS").Cells(10, 1)   'Here I put 1
   endrow = Worksheets("GUTS").Cells(11, 1)   'Here I put 1000

   For x = endrow To startrow Step -1

      If Cells(x, "Q").Value = "Sale" Then

         If Cells(x, "D").Value = "1" Then

            For i = 1 To 1000

               If Cells(x - i, "R").Value <> "1" Then
                  Range("G" & x).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-" & i & "]C/R[-" & i & "]C[-1]*RC[-1]"
               End If

            Next i

         End If

      End If

   Next x

End Sub


