Comparing two json files : shell scripting

Just to update on the answer from bartolomeon_n, you can actually do this all on one line.

diff <(jq -S . fileA.json) <(jq -S . fileB.json)
# or, with nice columns and colours:
diff -y --left-column --color <(jq -S . fileA.json) <(jq -S . fileB.json)

To compare json files you should convert them so they have same order of keys. Very good tool for this job is jq ( where you can do:

jq -S . fileA.json > fileA_fmt.json
jq -S . fileB.json > fileB_fmt.json

then, you can use your favourite tool for text file comparison. I like kdiff3 for GUI or just plain diff when in pure command-line e.g.:

diff fileA_fmt.json fileB_fmt.json

Just use diff. Like in

diff --unified file1.json file2.json


