Comparing 2 Data Sets in a Single Plot

I you add PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.5] to histOpts you can to evaluate Show[hist1, hist2] to get

overlaid plots

Would this work for you?

g1 = Rasterize[hist1];
g2 = Rasterize[hist2];

Mathematica graphics

Another way to go about this is to visualize in 3D. Taking the two data sets above, concatenate "1" to all the elements of the first data set and "-1" to the second data set.

dat1 = Partition[Flatten[Riffle[data1, 1, 2]], 3];
dat2 = Partition[Flatten[Riffle[data2, -1, 2]], 3];

Then you can plot in 3D.

ListPointPlot3D[{dat1, dat2}]

The advantage is that you can interactively rotate and play with the graph to view it from the different angles.