Compare two Images in JavaScript

No, there is no especially easy way to do this. JavaScript was not made for handling low-level operations such as working directly with binary data for, say, image processing.

You could use a <canvas> element to base64 encode each image, and then compare the resulting base64 strings, but this will only tell you whether or not the images are identical.

To use the getBase64Image function (defined in the answer I linked) to compare two images:

var a = new Image(),
    b = new Image();
a.src = 'chrome://favicon/' + url_a;
b.src = 'chrome://favicon/' + url_b;

// might need to wait until a and b have actually loaded, ignoring this for now
var a_base64 = getBase64Image(a),
    b_base64 = getBase64Image(b);

if (a_base64 === b_base64)
    // they are identical
    // you can probably guess what this means

I think you may be interested in this JavaScript library called resemble.js which:

Analyses and compares images with HTML5 canvas and JavaScript.

Resemble.js can be used for any image analysis and comparison requirement you might have in the browser. However, it has been designed and built for use by the powered visual regression library PhantomCSS. PhantomCSS needs to be able to ignore antialiasing as this would cause differences between screenshots derived from different machines.

Resemble.js uses the HTML5 File API to parse image data, and canvas for rendering image diffs.

We just released a lightweight library RembrandtJS, that does exactly that and it works both in the browser using HTML5 Canvas2D API as well as on the server via the drop-in Node.JS replacement node-canvas. It accepts both blobs and urls as image sources so you could simply do this:

const rembrandt = new Rembrandt({
  // `imageA` and `imageB` can be either Strings (file path on node.js,
  // public url on Browsers) or Buffers
  imageA: 'chrome://favicon/' + url_a,
  imageB: 'chrome://favicon/' + url_b,

  thresholdType: Rembrandt.THRESHOLD_PERCENT,

  // The maximum threshold (0...1 for THRESHOLD_PERCENT, pixel count for THRESHOLD_PIXELS
  maxThreshold: 0,

  // Maximum color delta (0...255):
  maxDelta: 0,

  // Maximum surrounding pixel offset
  maxOffset: 0,


// Run the comparison
  .then(function (result) {

      // do what you want

As you can see Rembrandt also allows you to introduce threshold values, if you domain requires some leeway with respect to color or pixel difference. Since it works in both the browser and on the server (node), it makes it easy to integrate into your test suite.