ComosDB - MongoAPI - Document does not contain shard key

I ended up here with the same error message. Azure CosmosDB, MongoDB api.

If I create the collection with the Azure CLI, I get the error.

If on the other hand I create the collection with the command mentioned in the accepted answer (db.runCommand( { shardCollection: "myDb.myCollection", key: { rateId: "hashed" } } ) ) then the error goes away.

This means that in order to provision a collection with a partitioned key, I need to:

  1. create the collection via MongoDB, specifying the partition key path separated by dots (e.g. sender.postCode)
  2. use the AZ CLI to update it with the desired throughput

In any case, the partitioning always seems to work from Azure's portal.

The $v prefix mentioned here is no longer present anywhere.

In the documentation Microsoft say to use this command for creating a collection through the mongo shell

db.runCommand( { shardCollection: "myDb.myCollection", key: { rateId: "hashed" } } )

I used that to create a collection and it now works as expected (docs with a rateId property insert ok, without I get the "no shard key" error).

When looking at the collection in the Azure Portal it shows the shard key as


Whereas when I created the collection through the portal and specified /rateId as the partition, it showed it as just


At least I can progress now, but I'm confused why it behaves this way or if this is how it's meant to be (I can't see any mention of this "$v" format on the documentation)

By playing with escape chars I managed to find out how to write partition-key-path using az cli

Used AZ CLI Version 2.0.59

$paritionKeyPath = '/''$v''' + $path + '/''$v'''
az cosmosdb collection create .... --partition-key-path $partitionKeyPath

Where path is Your path in document starting with slash (i.e. "/foo")

BTW: This should be working in previous AZ CLI versions (see: