communicating with SAS datasets from R

Since you have SAS, you can use Frank Harrell's 'Hmisc' package which has sas.get and sasxport.get functions. It also has a bunch of utility functions: label,sas.get, contents,describe. For those without a SAS license, package 'foreign' has read.ssd, lookup.xport, and read.xport.

EDIT1: I will also mention that Anthony Joseph Damico recently announced a package to parse SAS INPUT code into read.fwf code. From its description file: " Using importation code designed for SAS users to read ASCII files into sas7bdat files, the SAScii package parses through the INPUT block of a (.sas) syntax file to design the parameters needed for a read.fwf() function call."

EDIT2: There is also a package by Matt Shotwell called 'sas7bdat' with read.sas7bdat(file) that describes its function as " Read SAS files in the sas7bdat data format."


