Common Lisp recursive macro expansion

Slime has a code-walking slime-macroexpand-all command:

This is probably undocumented and/or unsupported, but maybe you can call it from the REPL:

CL-USER> (swank-backend:macroexpand-all '(my-recursive-fact 5))
(* 5 (* 4 (* 3 (* 2 (* 1 1)))))

MACROEXPAND takes a form and expands it. It does it multiple times until the form is no longer a macro form.

In your example, the top level call to my-recursive-fact is a macro form. The result form with the multiplication in front is not a macro form, since * is not a macro. It is a function. The form has an argument, which is a macro form. But MACROEXPAND does not look at those.

If you want to expand code on all levels, you need to use a code walker. Some Lisps have it in the IDE directly accessible, like Lispworks.