Command "root" and "subcommands"

I would avoid the g argument type. Anyway, here's a solution that also implements \IfIntegerTF in place of \IfInteger of xstring.


\NewDocumentCommand\law{ m m g g}{%
      {~Abs. #3}%
      {~lit. #3}%
      {~Ziff. #4}%
      {~lit. #4}%

% law-command "generator"
   % creates \law#1
   % #2 is the first argument to \law
   \cs_new_protected:cpn { law#1 } { \law{#2} }
 {% [\+\-]? is zero or one sign; \d+ is one or more digits
  \regex_match:nnTF { \A [\+\-]? \d+ \Z } { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }



Hello, I'm \lawbueg{21}{2}{b}, and I'm \lawkbueg{43}{1}.


enter image description here

Here is a way that works for this MWE but I don't really know if it works for you (for your real needs):


\DeclareDocumentCommand\law{ m m g g}{% 
        \IfNoValueF {#3} {%
            {~Abs. #3}%
            {~lit. #3}%
        \IfNoValueF {#4} {%
            {~Ziff. #4}%
            {~lit. #4}%

% law-command "generator"
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname law#1\endcsname\temp
   % #1 needs to be stuck right after \law and before the first {, in order to create a new separate command every time I use \createlaw
   % #2 this argument needs to correspond to #1 in \law above



Hello, I'm \lawbueg{21}{2}{b}, and I'm \lawkbueg{43}{1}.



Hello, I’m Art. 21 Abs. 2 lit. b BG, and I’m Art. 43 Abs. 1 KBG.

\csname @ifundefined\endcsname{XeTeXrevision}{%
  \csname @ifundefined\endcsname{luatexversion}{%

% The periods in your commands do _not_ denote sentence endings.
% Thus something needs to be done for avoiding the spacefactor-thingie
% with punctuation-marks -- see TeXBook, Chapter 12: Glue:
% | Abbreviations present problems too. For example, the short story in
% | Chapter 6  referred to Mr. `Droofnats'; TeX must be told somehow that
% | the period after `Mr.' or `Mrs.' or `Prof.' or `Dr.' or `Rt. Hon.'
% | etc., doesn't count as a sentence-ending full stop.
% | [...]

\DeclareDocumentCommand\law{ m m g g}{% 
  \IfNoValueF {#3} {%
              { Abs.~#3}%
              { lit.~#3}%
  \IfNoValueF {#4} {%
              { Ziff.~#4}%
              { lit.~#4}%
  } %

% law-command "generator"
  \expandafter\DeclareDocumentCommand\csname law#1\endcsname{}{\law{#2}}%



Hello, I'm \lawbueg{21}{2}{b}, and I'm \lawkbueg{43}{1}.
