Combining 3 graphics of different coordinate systems

Here I join 3 figures with lines in a tricky way, where I plot vertical and horizontal lines separately and set them by Inset at appropriate positions in such a way that the lines vanish when they touch the end figures.

y[t_] := Sin[π t]/(π t);
p[t_] = t^2;
a = 0.7;
b = 5.2;
yRoots = t /. {ToRules@Reduce[{y[t] == 0, 0 <= t <= 5}, t]};
yDRoots = t /. {ToRules@N@Reduce[{y'[t] == 0, 0 <= t <= 5}, y]};
ranges = Append[Prepend[yDRoots, 0], 6];
θ[t_] := Piecewise[Table[{ArcTan[y[t]/(p[t] y'[t])] + k Pi, ranges[[k]] < t <= ranges[[k + 1]]}, {k, Length@ranges - 1}]];
ρ[t_] := Sqrt[(y[t])^2 + (p[t] y'[t])^2];
ε = 1/(10^7);
p1 = Plot[θ[t], {t, a, b}, Ticks -> {None, Join[Table[{k Pi, k π}, {k, 0, 5}], Table[{(2 k - 1) Pi/2, (2 k - 1) Pi/2}, {k, 1, 5}]]}, AxesLabel -> {"t", "θ"}, AxesStyle -> Directive[14], AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {{0, 5.3}, {0, 16}}, AspectRatio -> 1, ImagePadding -> 20, 
   Epilog -> {{Red, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, θ[#]}&/@yRoots]},
     {Blue, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, θ[#]}&/@(yDRoots + ε)]},
     {Black, AbsolutePointSize@5,Point[{{a, θ[a]}, {b, θ[b]}}]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{0, θ[#]}, {#, θ[#]}, {#, -100}}&/@yRoots], Line[{{0, θ[#]}, {#, θ[#]}}&/@yRoots]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{0, θ[#]}, {#, θ[#]}, {#, -100}}&/@(yDRoots+ε)]}}];
p2 = Plot[y[t], {t, a, b}, Ticks -> {Table[{k, ""}, {k, 1, 5}], {{1, ""}}}, AxesLabel -> {"t", "y"}, AxesStyle -> Directive[14], AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {{0, 5.3}, {-0.3, 1}}, AspectRatio -> 1, ImagePadding -> 20, 
   Epilog -> {{Red, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, y[#]} & /@ yRoots]},
     {Blue, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, y[#]} & /@ yDRoots]},
     {Black, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{{a, y[a]}, {b, y[b]}}]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{#, 0}, {#, 100}} & /@ yRoots]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{100, y[#]}, {#, y[#]}, {#, 100}} & /@ yDRoots]}}];
p3 = ParametricPlot[{ρ[t] Cos[θ[t]], ρ[t] Sin[θ[t]]}, {t, a, b}, Ticks -> None, AxesLabel -> None, AxesStyle -> Directive[14], AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, ImagePadding -> 20, PlotRange -> {{-6, 6}, {-0.3, 1}}, AspectRatio -> 1, 
   Epilog -> {{Red, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[(ρ[#]*{Cos[θ[#]], Sin[θ[#]]})&/@yRoots]},
     {Blue, AbsolutePointSize@5,Point[(ρ[#]*{Cos[θ[#]], Sin[θ[#]]}) & /@ (yDRoots + ε)]},
     {Black, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{ρ[a]*{Cos[θ[a]], Sin[θ[a]]}, ρ[b]*{Cos[θ[b]], Sin[θ[b]]}}]},
     {Gray, Dashed,Line[{({-100, ρ[#]*Sin[θ[#]]}), (ρ[#]*{Cos[θ[#]],Sin[θ[#]]})}&/@(yDRoots + ε)]},
     {Gray, Dotted, Line[{{0, 0}, (ρ[a]*{Cos[θ[a]],Sin[θ[a]]})}]}}];
(* Vertical lines *)
pvl = Plot[2, {t, a, b}, Axes -> None, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {{0, 5.3}, {-1, 1}}, AspectRatio -> 1,  ImagePadding -> 20, 
   Epilog -> {{Gray, Dashed, Line[{{#, 0.66}, {#, 1}} & /@ yRoots]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{#, 0.66}, {#, 1}} & /@yDRoots]}}];
(* Horizontal lines *)
phl = Plot[2, {t, a, b}, Axes -> None, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {{0, 5.3}, {-0.3, 1}}, AspectRatio -> 1, ImagePadding -> 20, 
  Epilog -> {{Gray, Dashed, Line[{{0.03, y[#]}, {0.9, y[#]}} & /@yDRoots]}}];
(* Put the images together *)
Graphics[{Inset[p1, ImageScaled@{.05, 0.52}, {0, 0}, 1], 
  Inset[pvl, ImageScaled@{.05, .31}, {0, 0}, 1], 
  Inset[p2, ImageScaled@{.05, .12}, {0, 0}, 1], 
  Inset[phl, ImageScaled@{.48, .12}, {0, 0}, 1], 
  Inset[p3, ImageScaled@{.77, .12}, {0, 0}, 1]}, ImageSize -> 800, PlotRange -> All]

Using GraphicsGrid this can be done easier as follows by replacing the code under the last comments in the above with the following.


Thank you for the interest, and any other solutions are welcome.

This is just a crude approximation of what you expect using Inset, but it becomes rather complicated to track subplot coordinates when Insetted in a larger Graphics environment.

My method requires the individual plots to be tampered with:

  • give identical ImagePadding values for each subplot;
  • draw grid lines as Epilog primitives (otherwise GridLines would go from edge to edge, crowding the plots);
  • restrict the PlotRange of p3, as it is way too big for the other plots if scaled correctly.

Still I have no idea how to:

  • calculate the scaling factor of p3 programmatically (though the fourth argument of Inset could be used for scaling if the right ratio is known);
  • draw lines over the whole image (i.e. lines connecting points of p1 and p2) using the subplots' own coordinates.

The code:

y[t_] := Sin[Pi t]/(Pi t);
yRoots = t /. {ToRules@Reduce[{y[t] == 0, 0 <= t <= 6}, t]};
yDRoots = t /. {ToRules@N@Reduce[{y'[t] == 0, 0 <= t <= 6}, y]}
ranges = Prepend[yDRoots, 0];
θ[t_] := Piecewise[
    Table[{ArcTan[y[t]/(t^2 y'[t])] + k Pi, ranges[[k]] < t <= ranges[[k + 1]]},
    {k, Length@ranges - 1}]];
ρ[t_] := Sqrt[(y[t])^2 + (t^2 y'[t])^2];

d = 10^-7; (* A small delta is defined so that lines at points of yDRoots appear in the correct interval *)

p1 = Plot[θ[t], {t, 0, 5}, 
   Ticks -> {None, Table[{k Pi, k "π"}, {k, 0, 4}]}, 
   AxesLabel -> {"t", "θ"}, AxesStyle -> Directive[14], 
   AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> Full, ImagePadding -> 20,
   Epilog -> {
     {Red, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, θ[#]} & /@ yRoots]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{#, θ[#]}, {#, -100}} & /@ yRoots], 
                    Line[{{0, θ[#]}, {#, θ[#]}} & /@ yRoots]},
     {Green, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, θ[#]} & /@ (yDRoots + d)]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{#, θ[#]}, {#, -100}} & /@ (yDRoots + d)]}
p2 = Plot[y[t], {t, 0, 5}, Ticks -> {Table[{k, ""}, {k, 1, 5}], {1}}, 
   AxesLabel -> {"t", "y"}, AxesStyle -> Directive[14], 
   AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> Full, ImagePadding -> 20,
   Epilog -> {
     {Red, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, y[#]} & /@ yRoots]},
     {Green, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[{#, y[#]} & /@ yDRoots]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{#, 0}, {#, 100}} & /@ yRoots]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{#, y[#]}, {#, 0}} & /@ yDRoots]}
p3 = PolarPlot[ρ[t], {t, 0, 5}, Ticks -> None, 
   AxesLabel -> {"θ", "ρ"}, AxesStyle -> Directive[14], 
   AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, ImagePadding -> 20, 
   PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}*.35,
   Epilog -> {
     {Green, AbsolutePointSize@5, Point[(ρ[#]*{Cos[#], Sin[#]}) & /@ yDRoots]},
     {Gray, Dashed, Line[{{0, 0}, ρ[#]*{Cos[#], Sin[#]}} & /@ yDRoots]}

(* define origo points for p1 and p3 (p2 is derived from these) *)
o1 = {.1, .5};
o3 = {.75, .25};
o2 = {First@o1, Last@o3};
  Inset[p1, ImageScaled@o1, {0, 0}, 1],
  Inset[p2, ImageScaled@o2, {0, 0}, 1],
  Inset[p3, ImageScaled@o3, {0, 0}, 1]
  }, ImageSize -> 500, PlotRange -> All]

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