combine the best of 'du' and 'tree'

Also checkout ncdu:

Its page also lists other "similar projects":

gt5 - Quite similar to ncdu, but a different approach.

tdu - Another small ncurses-based disk usage visualization utility.

TreeSize - GTK, using a treeview.

Baobab - GTK, using pie-charts, a treeview and a treemap. Comes with GNOME.

GdMap - GTK, with a treemap display.

Filelight - KDE, using pie-charts.

KDirStat - KDE, with a treemap display.

QDiskUsage - Qt, using pie-charts.

xdiskusage - FLTK, with a treemap display.

fsv - 3D visualization.

Philesight - Web-based clone of Filelight.

You don't need to grep for the colour code, the -d option is list directories only.

This seems to do what you want:

$ tree --du -d -shaC | grep -Ev '(  *[^ ]* ){2}\['
├── [  18]  dir1
├── [  30]  dir2
├── [ 205]  junk
│   ├── [  18]  dir1
│   ├── [  30]  dir2
│   └── [  76]  dir3
├── [ 119]  merge
└── [  20]  stuff

 4.4K used in 10 directories

The grep command removes all lines that have (one or more spaces followed by a non-space followed by a space) twice, followed by a [.

If you want a depth of 1, change the bound count inside the {} curly braces to {1} rather than {2}. same if you want a depth of 3, change it to {3}.

You can turn this into a shell function, like so:

mytreedu() {
  local depth=''

  while getopts "L:" opt ; do
      case "$opt" in
          L) depth="$OPTARG" ;;

  shift "$((OPTIND-1))"

  if [ -z "$depth" ] ; then
      tree --du -d -shaC "$@"
      local PATTERN='(  *[^ ]* ){'"$depth"'}\['
      tree --du -d -shaC "$@" | grep -Ev "$PATTERN"

This uses getopts to "steal" any -L option and its argument from the tree command line, if there is one. If there isn't a -L n option on the command line, then that works too.

All other options and args are passed to the tree command.

The local PATTERN=... line isn't really necessary. I only did it like that to make sure that it would fit on one line and not word-wrap here on U&L. The regular expression could and probably should just go directly on the tree | grep ... line.

Run it like this:



mytreedu -L 2 /path/to/dir/

You can use dutree

enter image description here

  • coloured output, according to the LS_COLORS environment variable.
  • display the file system tree
  • ability to aggregate small files
  • ability to exclude files or directories
  • ability to compare different directories
  • fast, written in Rust