Combine framework retry after delay?

It was a topic of conversation on the Using Combine project repo a while back - the whole thread:

The long and short was we made an example that I think does what you want, although it does use catch:

let resultPublisher = upstreamPublisher.catch { error -> AnyPublisher<String, Error> in
    return Publishers.Delay(upstream: upstreamPublisher,
                            interval: 3,
                            tolerance: 1,
    // moving retry into this block reduces the number of duplicate requests
    // In effect, there's the original request, and the `retry(2)` here will operate
    // two additional retries on the otherwise one-shot publisher that is initiated with
    // the `Publishers.Delay()` just above. Just starting this publisher with delay makes
    // an additional request, so the total number of requests ends up being 4 (assuming all
    // fail). However, no delay is introduced in this sequence if the original request
    // is successful.

This is referencing the a retry pattern I have in the book/online, which is basically what you describe (but wasn't what you asked about).

The person I was corresponding with on the issue provided a variant in that thread as an extension that might be interesting as well:

extension Publisher {
  func retryWithDelay<T, E>()
    -> Publishers.Catch<Self, AnyPublisher<T, E>> where T == Self.Output, E == Self.Failure
    return self.catch { error -> AnyPublisher<T, E> in
      return Publishers.Delay(
        upstream: self,
        interval: 3,
        tolerance: 1,

I found a few quirks with the implementations in the accepted answer.

  • Firstly the first two attempts will be fired off without a delay since the first delay will only take effect after the second attempt.

  • Secondly if any one of the retry attempts succeed, the output value will also delayed which seems unnecessary.

  • Thirdly the extension is not flexible enough to allow the user to decide which scheduler it would like the retry attempts to be dispatched to.

After some tinkering back and forth I ended up with a solution like this:

public extension Publisher {
     Creates a new publisher which will upon failure retry the upstream publisher a provided number of times, with the provided delay between retry attempts.
     If the upstream publisher succeeds the first time this is bypassed and proceeds as normal.

     - Parameters:
        - retries: The number of times to retry the upstream publisher.
        - delay: Delay in seconds between retry attempts.
        - scheduler: The scheduler to dispatch the delayed events.

     - Returns: A new publisher which will retry the upstream publisher with a delay upon failure.

     let url = URL(string: "")!

     URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
         .retryWithDelay(retries: 4, delay: 5, scheduler:
         .sink { completion in
             switch completion {
             case .finished:
                 print("Success 😊")
             case .failure(let error):
                 print("The last and final failure after retry attempts: \(error)")
         } receiveValue: { output in
             print("Received value: \(output)")
         .store(in: &cancellables)
    func retryWithDelay<S>(
        retries: Int,
        delay: S.SchedulerTimeType.Stride,
        scheduler: S
    ) -> AnyPublisher<Output, Failure> where S: Scheduler {
            .delayIfFailure(for: delay, scheduler: scheduler)

    private func delayIfFailure<S>(
        for delay: S.SchedulerTimeType.Stride,
        scheduler: S
    ) -> AnyPublisher<Output, Failure> where S: Scheduler {
        self.catch { error in
            Future { completion in
                scheduler.schedule(after: delay)) {



