Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSpot VM not loaded

My answer will be a little bit unrelated, but I had same issue while trying to dump threads using jcmd. I was getting same error message even though I was running jcmd under the root user.

You need to run jcmd <pid> Thread.print under the same user as java process has, otherwise your connections will be dropped. Java doesn't care if you are root or not.

So basically:

sudo -u <java_process_user> jcmd <pid> Thread.print

Work around for now.

Adding '-XX:+StartAttachListener' to jvm argument fixed the issue.

A similar issue is discussed here at and (which talks about a possible regression in jdk7 build)

Like @bbarker, I got the same error but on JDK 1.8.0_161 using the Linux subsystem in Windows 10 ("Bash on Ubuntu on Windows"). Configuring the Surefire plugin with the JVM argument mentioned above fixed the issue for me as well:


Running the tests from a "normal" Windows command prompt works without the above, though.