com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field

If you don't want to have a setter in your bean and only use fields and getters, you can use the visibility checker of ObjectMapper to allow field visibility.
Something like following:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

You need Setter methods to allow Jackson to set the properties, and you need to change the fields in the json to begin with a lower case letter:

public class Response {

    private Object ResObj;
    private int ResInt;

    public Object getResObj() {
        return ResObj;

    public void setResObj(Object ResObj) {
        this.ResObj = ResObj;

    // ...



The reason for the JSON change is that the Jackson bean serialisation will reflect over the class, and when it sees getXyz() and setXyz() methods will map these to a Json filed names "xyz" (and not "Xyz").

I think there are several ways to override this behaviour, one is to use the one of the Jackson annotations.

I think you should try this

public class Response {
    private Object ResObj;
    private int ResInt;

    public Object getResObj() {
        return ResObj;

    public int getResInt() {
        return ResInt;

It will resolve your issue with UnrecognizedPropertyExceptions



