Collection view grid last row appears differently despite equal widths - swift iOS

UIKit does not like values with more than 2 decimals, round them or it will do it for you.

Here, UICollectionViewFlowLayout rounds your cell size and starts to fill the lines with an "interitemspacing" at least equal to the minimumInteritemSpacing you specified. On the last line, it used exactly the minimumInteritemSpacing value and doesn't fill entirely the line.

Fix it using better rounded values, giving the illusion that all is perfectly aligned.

I usually use those extensions:

extension CGFloat {
    func xx_rounded(_ rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule = .down, toDecimals decimals: Int = 2) -> CGFloat {
        let multiplier = CGFloat(pow(10.0, CGFloat(decimals)))
        return (self * multiplier).rounded(.down) / multiplier

extension CGSize {
    func xx_rounded(rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule = .down, toDecimals: Int = 2) -> CGSize {
        return CGSize(
            width: width.xx_rounded(rule, toDecimals: toDecimals),
            height: height.xx_rounded(rule, toDecimals: toDecimals)


return CGSize(width: cellWidth, height: height)


return CGSize(width: cellWidth, height: height).xx_rounded()