codemirror autocomplete after any keyup?

The most IntelliSense-like behavior can be achieved by this:

var ExcludedIntelliSenseTriggerKeys =
    "8": "backspace",
    "9": "tab",
    "13": "enter",
    "16": "shift",
    "17": "ctrl",
    "18": "alt",
    "19": "pause",
    "20": "capslock",
    "27": "escape",
    "33": "pageup",
    "34": "pagedown",
    "35": "end",
    "36": "home",
    "37": "left",
    "38": "up",
    "39": "right",
    "40": "down",
    "45": "insert",
    "46": "delete",
    "91": "left window key",
    "92": "right window key",
    "93": "select",
    "107": "add",
    "109": "subtract",
    "110": "decimal point",
    "111": "divide",
    "112": "f1",
    "113": "f2",
    "114": "f3",
    "115": "f4",
    "116": "f5",
    "117": "f6",
    "118": "f7",
    "119": "f8",
    "120": "f9",
    "121": "f10",
    "122": "f11",
    "123": "f12",
    "144": "numlock",
    "145": "scrolllock",
    "186": "semicolon",
    "187": "equalsign",
    "188": "comma",
    "189": "dash",
    "190": "period",
    "191": "slash",
    "192": "graveaccent",
    "220": "backslash",
    "222": "quote"

EditorInstance.on("keyup", function(editor, event)
    var __Cursor = editor.getDoc().getCursor();
    var __Token = editor.getTokenAt(__Cursor);

    if (!editor.state.completionActive &&
        !ExcludedIntelliSenseTriggerKeys[(event.keyCode || event.which).toString()] &&
        (__Token.type == "tag" || __Token.string == " " || __Token.string == "<" || __Token.string == "/"))
        CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete(editor, null, { completeSingle: false });

For version 5.7 neither of the previously proposed solutions work fine for me (and I think they have bugs even for earlier versions). My solution:

    myCodeMirror.on("keyup", function (cm, event) {
        if (!cm.state.completionActive && /*Enables keyboard navigation in autocomplete list*/
            event.keyCode != 13) {        /*Enter - do not open autocomplete list just after item has been selected in it*/ 
            CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete(cm, null, {completeSingle: false});

How it works:

This opens autocomplete popup only if it is not opened yet (otherwise keyboard-navigation would have caused reopening the popup with 1st item selected again).

When you click Enter you want popup to close so this is special case of a character which shouldn't trigger autocompletion (you may consider a case when you want to show antocompletion for empty line though).

Then last fix is setting completeSingle: false which prevents case when you are typing some word and in the middle it is automatically completed and you continue typing by reflex. So user will always need to select the intended string from popup (even if it's single option).