Code creating clustered columnstore index while maintaining row order

A clustered columnstore index is fundamentally different from a clustered rowstore index. You may have noticed there is no key column specification for a clustered columnstore index. That's right: a clustered columnstore index is an index with no keys - all columns are 'included'.

The most intuitive description I have heard for a clustered columnstore index is to think of it as a column-oriented heap table (where the 'RID' is rowgroup_id, row_number).

If you need indexes to support direct ordering and/or point/small range selections, you can create updateable rowstore b-tree indexes on top of clustered columnstore in SQL Server 2016.

In many cases this is simply not necessary, since columnstore access and batch mode sorting is so fast. Many of the things people 'know' about rowstore performance need to be relearned for columnstore. Scans and hashes are good :)

That said, of course columnstore has a structure to its row groups (and metadata about min/max values in each segment), which can be useful in queries that can benefit from row group/segment elimination.

One important technique in this area is to first create a clustered rowstore index with the desired ordering, then create the clustered columnstore index using the WITH (DROP_EXISTING = ON, MAXDOP = 1) option. In your example:

ON dbo.tab1_cstore (id, time)

ON dbo.tab1_cstore

Care is needed to maintain the benefits of row group/segment elimination over time. Also, while columnstore is already implicitly partitioned by row group, but you can explicitly partition it as well.

I'm not 100% sure what you're looking to test, but it is true that the 'order' of values within a segment is determined by the compression algorithm. My point about creating the columnstore index with DROP_EXISTING is about the ordering of data flowing into the segment creation process, so that segments overall will be ordered in a particular way. Within the segment, all bets are off.

As an aside, I believe the SQL Server Tiger Team is aware of the need for an ORDER BY clause or similar on columnstore index builds in order to maximize the opportunity for rowgroup elimination.

Also, at this time it is very important to make sure, as in another answer here, that you use MAXDOP = 1 when building the columnstore index. If you don't, you'll cause partitioning of the data into multiple threads that essentially reduces, perhaps dramatically, the possibility of the most efficient rowgroup elimination.