Cobertura code coverage report for jenkins pipeline jobs

The answer from hwjp is correct, however there are extra parameters that you can add to the command that are not easy to find.

Once you have installed the Cobertura plugin, you can find the cobertura step options in

Job Dashboard Page -> Pipeline Syntax -> Steps Reference

There's also a snippet generator which is really useful to get started at

Job Dashboard Page -> Pipeline Syntax

example command:

cobertura coberturaReportFile: 'coverage.xml', enableNewApi: true, lineCoverageTargets: '80, 60, 70'

enableNewApi is a good one to set to true, as the new API is much prettier :D setting coverage targets will automatically fail the job if the code coverage is too low

There is a way to add a pipeline step to publish your coverage report but it doesn't show under the BlueOcean interface. It will show fine in the normal UI.

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
    post {
        always {
            junit '**/nosetests.xml'
            step([$class: 'CoberturaPublisher', autoUpdateHealth: false, autoUpdateStability: false, coberturaReportFile: '**/coverage.xml', failUnhealthy: false, failUnstable: false, maxNumberOfBuilds: 0, onlyStable: false, sourceEncoding: 'ASCII', zoomCoverageChart: false])

Note that one of the parameters to the Cobertura plugin is the XML that it will use ('**/coverage.xml' in the example).

If you are using python, you will want to use something like:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-xml --cover-package=pkg1,pkg2 --with-xunit test

Nowadays you can also use the cobertura command directly in a Jenkinsfile

stage ("Extract test results") {
    cobertura coberturaReportFile: 'path-to/coverage.xml'
