Co-author refuses to share final manuscript or list of submissions

Yes, your advisor behaviour is unprofessional and certainly against the ethical policies of virtually any serious publisher. I'd contact the other coauthor and write a joint email along the following lines (modify according to your knowledge of the situation):

Dear X,

We are disappointed by your refusal to share the final versions of the manuscripts and the journals which they have been submitted to. Journal policies require all authors to approve a submission, and not only does your refusal go against such policies but it also undermines the trust that should exist among coauthors.

We kindly ask you to comply with our request. In case, we will take all the necessary steps to exercise our author's rights.

Y and Z

If they still refuse, contact the ethical or disciplinary office of their university, if there is one, or the Head of Department.

Unless you are willing to make a formal complaint through the university or the journal, there is probably little you can do.

But don't work with this person in the future. That should be obvious.

If you are already clear of his influence and ability to sabotage you, then a formal complaint might be worth doing, but more for the benefit of future students. But if he still holds a thumb over your future, personal preservation might be the wise move.

But move on ASAP. Or faster.