Cloud FireStore minimum deployment target

Firestore should work with iOS 7 and later. More details here.

The simplest Podfile that uses it looks like this:

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'Firebase/Core'
  pod 'Firebase/Firestore'

The Xcode deployment target for your app should not have any effect on pod install.

The getting started video shows this all in action.

I did this in order :

Remove pod 'Firebase/Firestore' from your Podfile, then :

pod repo update

pod update

Then I add pod 'Firebase/Firestore' to my Podfile and finally perform pod install

I was adding to an existing project so I did

pod repo update
pod install
pod update 

it that order and it worked.

I'm not sure why this ordered worked, put my guess it would have something to clearing/reset something somewhere in the firebase add ons.