Cloning github repo with hggit

On a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution, in addition to

$ sudo apt install mercurial-git

I had to add the following lines to my ~/.hgrc file:

hggit = /usr/share/pyshared/hgext/git

Here is a thought, maybe its not fully installed. I have had similar problems and found compiling it manually instead of using 'easy_install' to work better. I had problems where the version of 'dulwhich' wasn't installed properly, so things were broken (probably similarly to yours).

I outlined the installation process here on my blog ->

Here is a quick summary for installation.

  1. Download. I have been using 0.7.
  2. Install dulwich. Notice the use of --pure. I'm not 100% sure what that means, but my understanding is that it is a python thing to make a different/clean install of it.

    > sudo python --pure install
  3. Download hg-git. I have linked to bitbucket because i assume you have mercurial working.

  4. Install hg-git

    > sudo python install

Hope that helps.

my config on ubuntu 14.04 (cf /usr/share/doc/mercurial-git/README.Debian from package mercurial-git):

hgext.bookmarks =
hgext.git = 

The file to add this is : ~/.hgrc