Clojure style function "threading" in Python

Or possibly use the reduce function in the following way:

reduce(lambda x,f : f(x), [f1,f2,f3], arg)

Building on Howard's solution:

def T(*args):
  return reduce(lambda l, r: r(l), args)

def dbl(n):
    return 2*n

#=> 20

T(5,dbl,dbl,lambda x: 3*x)
#=> 60

You can easily implement something like this yourself.

def compose(current_value, *args):
    for func in args:
        current_value = func(current_value)
    return current_value

def double(n):
    return 2*n

print compose(5, double, double) # prints 20

Or try A module that provide a syntax like :

  fib() | take_while(lambda x: x < 1000000)
        | where(lambda x: x % 2)
        | select(lambda x: x * x)
        | sum()