Click home icon with Espresso

I found a real solution to this issue. By using the hierarchyviewer I found that the toolbar looks like this: hierarchyviewer screenshot

This means we could match the hamburger icon (not back button) like this:

onView(withContentDescription("Open navigation")).perform(click());

But a better solution to me was to find out that the hamburger icon is the only ImageButton and a direct child view of the v7 Toolbar. So I wrote a helper method to match it:

public static Matcher<View> androidHomeMatcher() {
    return allOf(

public void clickHamburgerIcon() throws Exception {
    // ...

This solution is better because it should match the view no matter which locale you use in your test. :-)

EDIT: Note that Toolbar might be or android.widget.Toolbar - depending on your use case!

EDIT: The support lib version 24.2.0 uses AppCompatImageButton instead of ImageButton, so I added it, too.

EDIT: You have to import the correct methods to get this to work. Here are the imports used:

import static;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf;
import static;

To not depend on the app locale, you can use the code from Matt Logan by replacing "Navigate up" with R.string.abc_action_bar_up_description:


This helped me a lot because I have an app in more than 5 languages and I had to act like this.

Use the withContentDescription() Matcher:

onView(withContentDescription("Navigate up")).perform(click());

I had trouble navigating back from one Activity to another, but then I found top-level actions:
