Class template argument deduction failed with derived class

See Richard Smith's answer.

A previous version of this answer had stated that the following should work

template <class T> struct B { B(T ) { } };
template <class T> struct D : B<T> { using B<T>::B; };

B b = 4; // okay, obviously
D d = 4; // expected: okay

But this isn't really viable, and wouldn't even be a good idea to work as I thought it would (we inherit the constructors but not the deduction guides?)

The short story: there is no rule in the standard that says how this would work, nor any rule that says that it doesn't work. So GCC and Clang conservatively reject rather than inventing a (non-standard) rule.

The long story: mypair's pair base class is a dependent type, so lookup of its constructors cannot succeed. For each specialization of mytype<T1, T2>, the corresponding constructors of pair<T1, T2> are constructors of mytype, but this is not a rule that can be meaningfully applied to a template prior to instantiation in general.

In principle, there could be a rule that says that you look at the constructors of the primary pair template in this situation (much as we do when looking up constructors of mypair itself for class template argument deduction), but no such rule actually exists in the standard currently. Such a rule quickly falls down, though, when the base class becomes more complex:

template<typename T> struct my_pair2 : std::pair<T, T> {
  using pair::pair;

What constructors should be notionally injected here? And in cases like this, I think it's reasonably clear that this lookup cannot possibly work:

template<typename T> struct my_pair3 : arbitrary_metafunction<T>::type {
  using arbitrary_metafunction<T>::type::type;

It's possible we'll get a rule change to allow deduction through your my_pair and the my_pair2 above if/when we get class template argument deduction rules for alias templates:

template<typename T> using my_pair3 = std::pair<T, T>;
my_pair3 mp3 = {1, 2};

The complexities involved here are largely the same as in the inherited constructor case. Faisal Vali (one of the other designers of class template argument deduction) has a concrete plan for how to make such cases work, but the C++ committee hasn't discussed this extension yet.