CKEDITOR has incorrect basepath when using NPM & Laravel Mix

For those of you having the same issue as me, I found a work around that didn't involve modifying CKEDITOR at all:

Used Webpack to copy the needed CKEDITOR files:

.copy('node_modules/ckeditor/config.js', 'public/js/ckeditor/config.js')
.copy('node_modules/ckeditor/styles.js', 'public/js/ckeditor/styles.js')
.copy('node_modules/ckeditor/contents.css', 'public/js/ckeditor/contents.css')
.copyDirectory('node_modules/ckeditor/skins', 'public/js/ckeditor/skins')
.copyDirectory('node_modules/ckeditor/lang', 'public/js/ckeditor/lang')
.copyDirectory('node_modules/ckeditor/plugins', 'public/js/ckeditor/plugins')

Then, in the body of your page, add:

<script> var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '/js/ckeditor/'; </script>

This will allow CKEDITOR to find the desired files. This felt a little ugly to me, so maybe there is a better way to do this - if so, please let me know and downvote this answer.