CKEditor add more symbols

Note this can be done in the config file as well:!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-specialChars

In your config file => config.js

CKeditor Documentation:!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-specialChars

config.specialChars = [ '"', '’', [ '&custom;', 'Custom label' ] ];
config.specialChars = config.specialChars.concat( [ '"', [ '’', 'Custom label' ] ] );

If you want to add special characters (Greek for example):

config.specialChars = config.specialChars.concat( [ [ 'α', 'alpha' ],
      [ 'β', 'beta' ],
      [ 'γ', 'gamma' ],
      [ 'δ', 'delta' ],
      [ 'ε', 'epsilon' ],
      [ 'ζ', 'zeta' ],
      [ 'η', 'eta' ],
      [ 'θ', 'theta' ],
      [ 'ι', 'iota' ],
      [ 'κ', 'kappa' ],
      [ 'λ', 'lambda' ],
      [ 'μ', 'mu' ],
      [ 'ν', 'nu' ],
      [ 'ξ', 'xi' ],
      [ 'ο', 'omicron' ],
      [ 'π', 'pi' ],
      [ 'ρ', 'rho' ],
      [ 'σ', 'sigma' ],
      [ 'τ', 'tau' ],
      [ 'υ', 'upsilon' ],
      [ 'φ', 'phi' ],
      [ 'χ', 'chi' ],
      [ 'ψ', 'psi' ],
      [ 'ω', 'omega' ] ] );

Adding custom symbols is actually pretty easy. Within the ckeditor folder go to the file:


You'll see a large code block halfway through the file containing a ton of entity codes, the last one is ≈ - after that one, add any new ones you want separated by commas and surrounded in single quotes. ,'new','new'.

I hope that helps!