Circular dependencies in StructureMap - can they be broken with property injection?

StructureMap can handle bi-directional situation also with a workaround using Lazy resolution.

If you have a simple situation like ClassA that depends on ClassB and ClassB that depends of ClassA, then you can choose one of them and convert the dependency as a Lazy dependency. This way worked for me and that error never appeared again..

public class ClassA
    private readonly Lazy<IClassB> _classB;

    public ClassA(Lazy<IClassB> classB)
        _classB = classB;

    public IClassB ClassB => _classB.Value;

public class ClassB 
    public IClassA _classA { get; set; }

    public ClassB (IClassA classA)
        _classA = classA;

More info here:

The closest you can get is something like this:

    .OnCreation((ctx, instance) =>
        instance.ArrayOfA = new IA[] {new A(instance) };

If A has other dependencies that you want to resolve from the container, you can retrieve them from ctx within the OnCreation lambda.