Apple - Chrome address bar disappeared after update

  1. Open Google Chrome on your Mac
  2. Move cursor to top of screen where OS Toolbar is located and click VIEW
  3. In the drop-down menu that appears, click "Always show toolbar in full screen"

I've been having the same issue with my chrome and its been driving me insane. I found another google forum where someone was talking about removing the address bar, so I tried the steps in reverse. What I did was go to the view option in the status bar, made sure "always show toolbar in full screen" was checked, went into full-screen mode, saw it was still checked, uncheck it and recheck it, and the address back came back!. This worked for me pretty well, and hopefully, it'll help you out as well. Have a nice day!

Based on:

I had luck going to:


search for: "UI Layout for the browser’s top chrome"

Change to "normal" then restart the browser. Then I had tabs and address bar.

Like another answer it appears to toggle something that was not set properly. For me changing this setting back to "default" doesn't appear to undo anything