Checkout Jenkins Pipeline Git SCM with credentials?

You can use the following in a pipeline:

git branch: 'master',
    credentialsId: '12345-1234-4696-af25-123455',
    url: 'ssh://[email protected]:company/repo.git'

If you're using the ssh url then your credentials must be username + private key. If you're using the https clone url instead of the ssh one, then your credentials should be username + password.

To explicitly checkout using a specific credentials

    stage('Checkout external proj') {
        steps {
            git branch: 'my_specific_branch',
                credentialsId: 'my_cred_id',
                url: 'ssh://[email protected]/proj/test_proj.git'

            sh "ls -lat"

To checkout based on the configured credentials in the current Jenkins Job

    stage('Checkout code') {
        steps {
            checkout scm

You can use both of the stages within a single Jenkins file.