Checkout from svn repository over ssh

Thank you @Ash, that did it.

So I made a quick overview:

1. If your SVN server is not running on the default port 22: add a tunnel entry to ~/.subversion/config

Open the file, look for [tunnels] and a line, for example:

sshserver = ssh -p [port where your ssh server is running on] -q

For everybody: add -q if you're getting 'Killed by signal 15' when trying to checkout.

2. Checkout using a absolute path from the remote location

In this example we use the configured tunnel entry from step 1.

svn co svn+sshserver://user@server/absolute/path/to/svn/repository/project/

That's it!

More background information:

Basic instructions to connect to a SVN-repo over SSH:

From the book 'Version Control with Subversion':


