Wordpress - Check what Gutenberg blocks are in post_content

WordPress 5.0+ has a function for this: parse_blocks(). To see if the first block in the post is the Heading block, you'd do this:

$post = get_post(); 

if ( has_blocks( $post->post_content ) ) {
    $blocks = parse_blocks( $post->post_content );

    if ( $blocks[0]['blockName'] === 'core/heading' ) {

The solution I'm using as of writing check the post_content for the Gutenberg HTML comments. Due to future Gutenberg changes this might not work in the future.

$post_content = get_the_content( get_the_ID() ); // Get the post_content
preg_match_all('<!-- /wp:(.*?) -->', $post_content, $blocks); // Get all matches in between <!-- /wp: --> strings

// $blocks[1] contains the names of all the blocks present in the post_content
if ( in_array( 'heading', $blocks[1] ) ) {
    // Post content contains a wp:heading block
else {
    // Post content does not contain a wp:heading block