Check permission inside a template in Django

Tested on Django 2.0 +

If you want to see all the permissions the logged in user has, on your template (.html), print :

{{ perms.app_name }}


{{ perms }}

In order to check if user has permission , use:

{% if perms.app_name.change_model_name_lower_cased %}

E.g :

{% if perms.Utilization.change_invoice %}

Here: Utilization is my App name. Invoice is a model name.

Note that in general, there will be 4 kinds of permissions:

  • change [E.g Utilization.change_projectemail]
  • view [E.g Utilization.view_invoice]
  • delete [E.g Utilization.delete_invoicetype]
  • add [E.g Utilization.add_invoicetype]

Also , if you want to see all permissions a user has due to the groups he belongs to, launch Django shell...

user = User.objects.get(username='somename')

Here, all permissions listed, are due to the groups he belongs to.

If you need more granularity in checking perms (on a particular object for example), check out this extension:

One more Unique way to do this is:

{% if 'app_label.permission' in perms %}
<form here>
{% endif %}


{% if 'auth.view_group' in perms %}
<p> Hello World! </p>
{% endif %}

This comes handy when you want to use your default/custom authentication permissions whether you've created an app for your model or not because this method don't need an app name. It just need the permission name from your permissions table.

You can put multiple checks also using and/or commands:

{% if 'auth.view_group' in perms and 'auth.add_group' in perms %}
<form here>
{% endif %}

If you are looking to check for permissions in templates, the following code would suffice:

{% if perms.app_label.can_do_something %}
<form here>
{% endif %}

Where model refers to the model that the user need permissions to see the form for.

Refer to for more examples.

The currently logged-in user's permissions are stored in the template variable {{ perms }}

(This requires the following context processor to be enabled: django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth)