Check instanceof in stream

A pretty elegant option is to use method reference of class:

  .filter( ScheduleIntervalContainer.class::isInstance )
  .map( ScheduleIntervalContainer.class::cast )
  .filter( sic -> sic.getStartTime() != sic.getEndTime())
  .collect(Collectors.toList() );

You can apply another filter in order to keep only the ScheduleIntervalContainer instances, and adding a map will save you the later casts :
    .filter(sc -> sc instanceof ScheduleIntervalContainer)
    .map (sc -> (ScheduleIntervalContainer) sc)
    .filter(sic -> sic.getStartTime() != sic.getEndTime())

Or, as Holger commented, you can replace the lambda expressions with method references if you prefer that style:
    .map (ScheduleIntervalContainer.class::cast)
    .filter(sic -> sic.getStartTime() != sic.getEndTime())